#1 ONLINE Breathwork Teacher Training Certification

Newly Upgraded & Rebooted


Do You Want to Learn How to Change Lives?

(Starting with your own)...


Everything out there today is "Life Changing" but so few things actually are. And if they are it takes a long time for the
change to actually take effect. That is not the case with this style of Breathwork. People feel it's life changing effects
from the very first session AND the results are undeniable...even for the biggest of skeptics.

I know because I was one myself and this practice transformed every area of my life.


Become a Certified Breathwork Teacher

with Jon Paul Crimi

There’s a reason my teacher trainings have been sold out for the last six years: Students understand the value of knowledge and experience.

For the past decade, I’ve trained hundreds of people all over the world on how to change lives with breathwork and have taught classes as large as 300 students. While many Breathwork Teachers are focused on creating a “brand” (even after taking just one class!), I focus on the real-world Breathwork experience, immersive training, and dedicated instruction. It’s something I’ve been doing my whole life.

Consider becoming a breathwork teacher...

Enormous demand.

Breathwork is one of the fastest growing practices on the planet right now. In the last 5 years the
Google search for “Breathwork” has gone up over 900% and even Vogue Magazine called it the new
Yoga. There is a shortage in teachers so there’s never been a better time.

Fast results.

We live in a world of instant gratification and people want results immediately. Breathwork delivers
those results whether you believe in it or not and the results are undeniable from the very first time.

No overhead.

I have students who post about their classes on Social Media and lead the classes via Zoom or Skype.
They are making a living without leaving their house. You don’t need experience or equipment to get
started as a Breathwork Teacher.


It’s all natural and you’re using what’s already inside of yourself. You don’t have to fly to South America
to do Ayahuasca and puke in the jungle to have a massive awakening. You can do Breathwork in your
office on a Tuesday when you’re having a bad day.

Get certified from home.

You can do this course anytime, anywhere you like and come back to it and review the material when-
ever you want. I spent a lot of time, energy, and money recording my live in-person trainings and con-
verting them into the most practical and comprehensive online training.

Many of my students always come back and tell me it’s the most rewarding and fulfilling thing they’ve ever done in their lives. Not only will you make a massive impact on people’s lives - you’ll make a great living while doing it.

If you’ve ever thought about becoming a certified breathwork teacher, consider my training.

How does it work...

Where should I start my Breathwork Training?

Your greatest wound can become your greatest gift…
Healed people heal people


Breathwork Teacher Training Basics & One-on-One

Learn the fundamentals of Circular Breathwork
and how to guide a one on one session safely
and confidently.

I’m going to teach you exactly how to, not only guide someone safely through an incredibly powerful BW session, but also all of the steps from beginning to end - making sure you know exactly what issues and problems may arise and best how to navigate through them safely. We cover the basics of Breathwork and the reasons why we focus on one technique is because that one technique creates the fastest change in the shortest amount of time. Clients want results quickly. You can and should start doing One-on-One sessions immediately after completing this training

What’s Included in

Basics & One-on-One Training

34 high quality videos with
easy to follow instructions
for life transforming exercises

6 Downloadable guided
Breathwork Tracks
(With & without music)

25 Downloadable PDF files
for easy to use
reference guides

A massive emotional shift that
will feel like a lifetime of therapy
without having to talk to anyone,
at a fraction of the cost that
-which you can access any time
at your convenience

24/7 lifetime access to the
course. You can go back and do
any part as many times as you
want. (Note: you don't have to
do it five days in a row)

Live Zoom Q & A teacher sessions
quarterly at no extra charge. (You must
have complete both training 100%
to participate)




Breathwork Teacher Training How to Lead Couples & Groups

Learn a potent technique for guiding couples
sessions’ and the most effective ways to lead
Breathwork Classes and Workshops

Whether you are experienced with Breathwork or not, getting up in front of a room full of people can be pretty intimidating. This course will help you find your authentic voice and give you the confidence you need to lead. Additionally, watching couples heal their relationship with a specific technique,combined with Breathwork, will be one of the most gratifying things you’ll ever experience.

What’s Included in

How to Lead Couples & Groups

29 high quality videos with
easy to follow instructions
for life transforming exercises

6 Downloadable guided
Breathwork Tracks
(With & without music)

19 Downloadable PDF files
for easy to use
reference guides

A massive emotional shift that
will feel like a lifetime of therapy
without having to talk to anyone,
at a fraction of the cost that
-which you can access any time
at your convenience

24/7 lifetime access to the
course. You can go back and do
any part as many times as you
want. (Note: you don't have to
do it five days in a row)

Live Zoom Q & A teacher sessions
quarterly at no extra charge. (You must
have complete both training 100%
to participate)



Course Topics

for each Training

Basics & One-on-One


  • How to guide a one-on-one session demo
  • What is Breathwork?
  • Holding Space
  • What is Tetany, what causes it, and how to deal with it
  • Paradoxical Breathing and how to fix it
  • Setting intention
  • Do’s & Don’t when guiding a session
  • Music playlist Formula
  • Session Tools
  • Exchange (money or otherwise)
  • Pre & Post Session Do’s and don’t
  • Intention setting
  • How to do a Negative energy cleanse Session
  • Different Breathwork styles and why we do this one
  • Transformational letter
  • Boundaries & Ethics
  • Liability waiver, Liability insurance
  • Breathwork Certification
  • Dozens of questions asked and answered
  • Several Session demonstrations
  • Guided Breathwork Tracks
  • Plus much more…

How to Lead Couples & Groups


  • How to guide a one-on-one session demo
  • Demo Sessions (Husband & Wife) & (Mother & Daughter)
  • Emotional distance
  • Tool to end conflict
  • The Five Love Languages
  • Tips, techniques, and tools when leading a class
  • Playlist formula for a class
  • Finding your voice
  • Being your authentic self while teaching
  • Different Breathwork techniques
  • What to say in class and why
  • Write your legacy
  • Boundaries & Ethics
  • Liability waiver, Liability insurance
  • Breathwork Certification
  • Dozens of questions asked and answered
  • Several Session demonstrations
  • Guided Breathwork Tracks
  • Plus much more…

*In both of these course’s I give you downloadable easy to follow scripts that you can
follow verbatim for your sessions and classes.

Do something today, that your future self
will thank you for later...

We all want to feel like our lives have meaning and purpose. The best way to do this is to help another person. Breathwork is
the fastest and most effective tool I have ever used to show other people how to heal themselves. Taking part in that process is
the greatest gift you will ever receive.


Do something today, that your future self
will thank you for later...

We all want to feel like our lives have meaning and purpose. The best way to do this is to help another person. Breathwork is
the fastest and most effective tool I have ever used to show other people how to heal themselves. Taking part in that process is
the greatest gift you will ever receive.


What People are Saying...

“I hate Breathwork and Jon Paul (Kidding) but if you must do Breathwork make sure you do it with Jon Paul.”


“Breathwork changed my life. Jon Paul‘s passion and style inspired me to Go through his teacher training program. A game true game changer In my practice of mindfulness. Breathwork is undeniable.”


“Somehow despite a built-in aversion to new-agey type things I found myself at Jon Paul’s Breathwork class and I’m lucky I did because it’ was a great experience. Memorable, useful and Important.”


“The first Breathwork session I did was incredible, that's why I bought the course. After the third day of the course I knew things were going to be completely different from that day on.”


“I hate Breathwork and Jon Paul (Kidding) but if you must do Breathwork make sure you do it with Jon Paul.”


The expert in anything was once a beginner


The first time you lead a class or a session and you see people transform in front of your eyes you will feel like a part of their transformation.
It is then that you will know real purpose and fulfillment and you will be hooked.

Basics &




+ 16 Videos of Breathwork Teacher Training

+ 5 Downloadable guided Breathwork audio tracks

+ 9 Downloadable PDF Files

+ 24/7 Lifetime Course Access.





How to Lead
Couples & Groups




+ 15 Videos of Breathwork Teacher Training

+4 Downloadable guided Breathwork audio tracks

+ 8 Downloadable PDF files

+24/7 Lifetime Course Access.





Three Bundle
Certification Savings



Save $448 By Bundling
*Sorry no payment plans

+ The Five-Day Emotional Detox

+ Breathwork Teacher Training "Basics's & One-on-One"

+ Breathwork Teacher Training "How to lead Couples & Groups"

An online certification is available for an
additional hundred dollars after you fully
completed both teacher training courses.
The certification is not required to teach


Four Bundle
Certification Savings



Save $846 By Bundling
*Sorry no payment plans

+ The Five-Day Emotional Detox

 + Breathwork For Love & Abundance

+ Breathwork Teacher Training "Basics's & One-on-One"

 + Breathwork Teacher Training "How to lead Couples & Groups"




In-Person Training is back!
Dates can be found here: 
Trainings in-Person


If the date, location, or cost doesn't suit you, the online trainings here are your best option. They will give you everything you need to start leading Breathwork right away.

Professionally Prerecorded

The Breathwork Teacher Trainings were recorded with two cameras and professional sound and editing. They were created with the intention of translating the in-person courses into an incredible online experience. One of the many benefits is that you're able to go back over the material anytime to really absorb and use it.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

– Mark Twain


You’re never going to feel 100% ready and at some point you’re just going to have to get started.
This course will give you the necessary steps and confidence you need no matter where your experience is at.

Basics &




+ 16 Videos of Breathwork Teacher Training

+ 5 Downloadable guided Breathwork audio tracks

+ 9 Downloadable PDF Files

+ 24/7 Lifetime Course Access.





How to Lead
Couples & Groups




+ 15 Videos of Breathwork Teacher Training

+4 Downloadable guided Breathwork audio tracks

+ 8 Downloadable PDF files

+24/7 Lifetime Course Access.





Three Bundle
Certification Savings



Save $448 By Bundling
*Sorry no payment plans

+ The Five-Day Emotional Detox

+ Breathwork Teacher Training "Basics's & One-on-One"

+ Breathwork Teacher Training "How to lead Couples & Groups"

An online certification is available for an
additional hundred dollars after you fully
completed both teacher training courses.
The certification is not required to teach


Four Bundle
Certification Savings



Save $846 By Bundling
*Sorry no payment plans

+ The Five-Day Emotional Detox

 + Breathwork For Love & Abundance

+ Breathwork Teacher Training "Basics's & One-on-One"

 + Breathwork Teacher Training "How to lead Couples & Groups"




I knew Breathwork had changed my life

and it was so fast and profound that I wanted to share it
with as many people as I could.


It helped me with everything; confidence, trauma, relationships, stress, anger you name it. It cleared all my issues out “Like 20 years of therapy without saying a word” which is the most common statement I hear from people.

When I found Breathwork, almost a decade ago, it was really “New Agey” and “Woo Woo” as they say. I was sort of embarrassed to tell people about it, but everyone kept asking me what I was doing because it created such a sudden and obvious change in me. I was so much more calm, present, loving and open in a way I’d never been before.In one of my own Breathwork sessions it came to me that if someone… “Me”, taught this in a way that wasn’t so weird for most people then they’d have serval hundred maybe even thousands of people doing Breathwork at the same time. Turns out I was right.

My method of teaching Breathwork is for everyday people who are struggling or who want to create change in some way, or some area of their life.

Breathwork isn’t that hard to learn but it takes some focus and commitment to actually do it. Taking people through Breathwork requires the right confidence in the technique and in yourself – and that’s exactly what this course is going to create for you. First, you will have your own personal experience and transfor-mation through this technique or practice, and then you will learn the best way(s) to communicate the things that may come up for the client or student during a session, so that they feel safe enough to have a deep experience with you guiding them.

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

– Zig Ziglar  

Basics &




+ 16 Videos of Breathwork Teacher Training

+ 5 Downloadable guided Breathwork audio tracks

+ 9 Downloadable PDF Files

+ 24/7 Lifetime Course Access..


How to Lead
Couples & Groups




+ 15 Videos of Breathwork Teacher Training

+4 Downloadable guided Breathwork audio tracks

+ 8 Downloadable PDF files

+24/7 Lifetime Course Access.


Three Bundle
Certification Savings



Save $847 By Bundling
*Sorry no payment plans

+ The Five-Day Emotional Detox

+ Breathwork Teacher Training "Basics's & One-on-One"

+ Breathwork Teacher Training "How to lead Couples & Groups"

An online certification is included with this program after both trainings are fully completed



Four Bundle
Certification Savings



Save $1246 By Bundling
*Sorry no payment plans

+ The Five-Day Emotional Detox

 + Breathwork For Love & Abundance

+ Breathwork Teacher Training "Basics's & One-on-One"

 + Breathwork Teacher Training "How to lead Couples & Groups"

An online certification is included with this program after both trainings are fully completed


NOTE: You can purchase each of the training's separately, but to receive a certification you must complete both training courses. The 3-Course & 4-Course packages INCLUDE the certificate (and shipping) after you've finished the courses.

Breathewithjp Teacher Training is a proud member of the International Breathwork Foundation

How does it work...

Where should I start my Breathwork Training?


Five-Day Emotional Detox This course is the best place to begin, as you will have your own personal experience of transformation, through Breathwork and the exercises.Teaching from a place of your own experience through Breathwork is always the most authentic way to teach. Combining Breathwork with the exercises in this course will create massive transformation even for the most seasoned Breathworker.


Basics & One-on-One Next I’m going to teach you exactly how to, not only guide someone safely through an incredibly powerful BW session, but also all of the steps from beginning to end - making sure you know exactly what issues and problems may arise and best how to navigate through them safely. We cover the basics of Breathwork and the reasons why we focus on one technique is because that one technique creates the fastest change in the shortest amount of time. Clients want results quickly. You can and should start doing One-on-One sessions immediately after completing this training


How to Lead Couples & Groups Finally, whether you are experienced with Breathwork or not, getting up in front of a room full of people can be pretty intimidating. This course will help you find your authentic voice and give you the confidence you need to lead. Additionally, watching couples heal their relationship with a specific technique, combined with Breathwork, will be one of the most gratifying things you’ll ever experience.

NOTE: You can just purchase one of these courses if that’s all you’re looking to do, if you would like a certificate from us you need to complete both courses (fully) first.

How does it work...

Where should I start my Breathwork Training?


Five-Day Emotional Detox This course is the best place to begin, as you will have your own personal experience of transformation, through Breathwork and the exercises.Teaching from a place of your own experience through Breathwork is always the most authentic way to teach. Combining Breathwork with the exercises in this course will create massive transformation even for the most seasoned Breathworker.



Basics & One-on-One Next I’m going to teach you exactly how to, not only guide someone safely through an incredibly powerful BW session, but also all of the steps from beginning to end - making sure you know exactly what issues and problems may arise and best how to navigate through them safely. We cover the basics of Breathwork and the reasons why we focus on one technique is because that one technique creates the fastest change in the shortest amount of time. Clients want results quickly. You can and should start doing One-on-One sessions immediately after completing this training



How to Lead Couples & Groups Finally, whether you are experienced with Breathwork or not, getting up in front of a room full of people can be pretty intimidating. This course will help you find your authentic voice and give you the confidence you need to lead. Additionally, watching couples heal their relationship with a specific technique, combined with Breathwork, will be one of the most gratifying things you’ll ever experience.

NOTE: You can just purchase one of these courses if that’s all you’re looking to do, if you would like a certificate from us you need to complete both courses (fully) first.

Breathwork Teacher Certification

The certificate is INCLUDED with either the three-course or four-course package. After you’ve fully completed BOTH trainings we will print it, sign it, seal it and mail it directly to you.

breathwork teacher certificate of training




Originally from Boston, in his early 20’s, Jon Paul moved to Los Angeles and quickly became one of the most sought after Celebrity Trainers and Sober Coaches in the Country. Unexpectedly, he found himself in a breathwork class and had a massive transformation that first time. Knowing he had to share this technique, he not only began teaching but developed his own unique style and quickly began selling out classes all over Los Angeles.

What makes Jon Paul stand apart is his east coast no-nonsense approach. He has taken the “New Agey” part out of breathwork and both companies and corporations are filling his calendar. CEOs and the Forbes set have found themselves in his classes and have hired him to teach all their employees. Jon Paul has broadened his classes into customized workshops and corporate retreats of all sizes all over the country.

Jon Paul has appeared on Good Morning America and has been featured in The Huffington Post and The Hollywood Reporter. You can find him on countless talk shows and podcasts both domestically and internationally, as he continues his work to make breathwork more accessible and mainstream.

Jon Paul believes there is no one who can’t benefit from this practice and he has the Olympians, Oscar, Emmy and Grammy winners to prove it. Witnessing people visibly transform, often after just one session, is why he greets each day excited to turn people towards their most authentic selves and he has made it his life work to reach as many people as possible.

What People are Saying...

Are You Ready to Change Lives?